Archives: Services

Agent for Lawyers or Paralegals

At SDG Paralegal Services, we offer quality services to Lawyers and Paralegals. We can with all your needs such as, appearing as agent, legal research, interviewing witnesses, filing paperwork, and assisting with your legal matter. Please give SDG Paralegal Services a call to discuss your legal needs.

Commissioner of Oaths

All Licensed Paralegals are Licensed Commissioners of Taking Oaths:
A Commissioner of Oaths is a person who is authorized to verify affidavits, which are statements in writing and on oath, and other legal documents.

The Landlord & Tenant Board provide rights and regulations to residential landlords and tenants, as well as a vehicle to enforce them.

The role of the Landlord and tenant board is to:

  • resolve disputes between landlords and tenants through mediation or adjudication
  • resolve eviction applications from co-ops
  • provide information to landlords and tenants about their rights and responsibilities under the RTA

How can SDG Paralegal help with the Landlord & Tenant Board?

We can help you navigate the lengthy rights and regulations within the  Residential Tenancies Act to ensure that you have clear insight on what your rights are, from a landlord or tenant position. Understanding the Landlord and Tenant Board  tribunal and its powers is crucial to ensure that you are making the right decisions that can lead to positive outcomes in your dispute or hearing.

Call us to find out more about how we can help you get the answers you need when dealing with the Landlord and Tenant board.